- Begin activity well hydrated by drinking fluids during the day and within the hour before the activity.
- Replace sweat losses by drinking fluids regularly during activity.
- Rehydrate after performing to replace weight lost as fluid during activity.
But how much to drink for what activities? Aim for the following:
- For short duration (<60 minutes), low to moderate intensity activity, water is a good choice to drink before, during, and after the activity.
- Sport drinks (6-8% carbohydrate) are good options for moderate to high intensity activity lasting longer than 60 minutes, especially when the goal includes replacing carbohydrate and electrolytes.
- For those who experience high sodium losses while performing, eat salty foods in a pre-activity meal.
- Good sources of fluid include water, sports drinks, juices, soups, smoothies, fruits and vegetables.
Ref: Hydration. http://www.scandpg.org/local/resources/files/2010/SD-USA-Fact-Sheet_May-2010_Exercise-Hydration_aa.pdf. Feb 2012.